Distance Learning

Додаткові матеріали 

(до групи у Viber)

March, 16-19

   Для того щоб зробити пропозицію щодо здійснення своїх дій, в англійській мові використовуються конструкції: Shall we….?  та What about +-ing….?


It is Sunday tomorrow. Write suggestions for your friend.

I’ve got some ideas for tomorrow.

Shall we play volleyball tomorrow?

What about going to the cinema?

Shall we listen to music?

What about making pizza?

Read and write your own suggestions. Use: Shall we…? or What about…?

1. It is hot today and you and your cousin are at the seaside.
Example: Shall we swim? What about eating an ice-cream?

2. Your friend from another city is visiting you for the day.

3. It is snowy and you and your friends are outside.

An email about making suggestions for the weekend.

To: Rivne Primary School1@flyhigh.com
From : Dr.Wild@flyhigh.com
Subject: Where shall we meet?

Hello children,

Thanks for your email. I’m very excited that all of you can come to London and stay for the weekend.
Shall we meet at the airport or in my office?
We can have lunch in a café, it is next to my office. What shall we do after lunch?
Do you want to go on a sightseeing tour around London on a double-decker bus?
It is great to travel by double-decker bus! You can see lots of interesting places in London. Or what about going on the Big Wheel? You can go very high!
In the evening we can play board games together. I hope you like playing board games.

See you soon.

Dr Wild

March, 23-26

Rhyme "Shopping, Shopping"

Shopping, shopping
Let’s go shopping!
We can buy a lot of food!
Bread and butter
Cheese and sausage
Vegetables and Fruit!
Shopping, shopping
Let’s go shopping!
We can buy a lot of food!
Bread and butter
Cheese and ice-cream
It is so good!

Read, Ask and Answer

Magazines, medicine, bread, notebooks, biscuits, chicken, pies, meat, soap, pens, rolls, sausages, toothpaste, newspapers, buns.

Variant 1 


A: What do they sell at the chemist's?

B: They sell medicine at the chemist's.

Now Ask and Answer

1. A: ............. at the baker's?

    B:  ......................... .

2. A:  ...............at the chemist's?

    B: ........................... .

3. A:  ............... at the butcher's?

    B: .............................. .

4. A: ...............at the newsagent's?

    B: ............................. .

Variant 2


A: Where do they sell meat?

B: They sell meat at the butcher's.

Now Ask and Answer

1. A: ............. ...........    notebooks?

    B:  ......................... .

2. A:  ............... ...........sausages?

    B: ........................... .

3. A:  ............... ........... pies?

    B: .............................. .

4. A: ............................. medicine?

    B: ............................. .

March, 30 - April, 2

         Countable Nouns               Uncountable Nouns
  (Злічувані Іменники)                  (Незлічувані Іменники)

Злічувані іменники мають форму однини та форму множини.
Незлічувані іменники не мають форми множини.

Використовуємо A/An зі злічуваними іменниками в однині:                               a pen, an apple.

Some використовуємо зі злічуваними іменниками у множині:
I've got some eggs.

З незлічуваними імениками використовуємо - some:
There is some butter on the plate.

Read and match.

1.    A piece of                         a) meat
2.    A bowl of                         b) cola
3.    A kilo of                           c) cheese
4.    A box of                           d) chocolate
5.    A can of                            e) soup
6.    A jar of                             f) cereal
7.    A bottle of                         g) milk
8.    A cup of                             h) bread
9.    A loaf of                             i) honey
10. A tin of                              j) tea
11. A bar of                             k) flour
12. A bag of                             l) tuna

April, 6 - April, 9

Doing Shopping

April, 13 - April, 16

Easter in Ukraine

1             1.     To bake Easter bread (paska)


        2. To     paint eggs (pysankas)

       3.     To colour eggs


        4.     To make Easter baskets


          5.    To go to church


          6.    To bless


             7.     To have a festive dinner


            8.     At Easter people say: “Christ is risen!-  He is risen indeed!”

April, 21 - April, 23

Types of Houses

April, 27 - April, 30

Prepositions of Place

To be going to

Ми використовуємо цю структуру коли говоримо про наші плани у            майбутньому.

 Example:          I am going to visit my friend tomorrow.

                          We are going to go to the cinema next week.

                          My cousin is going to play football today.

Також коли ми робимо передбачення, прогноз дій, які трапляються у майбутньому.

 Example:            The sky is very dark. There is going to be a storm.

Опорні слова, які використовуються зі структурою  Going to – today, tomorrow, next Monday/weekend/year/month/week

May, 18 - May, 21

Internet Safety

The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor

May, 25 - May, 28

The Prince and the Pauper

Can you find?

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